2 thoughts on “Backpacking in Africa 2015/16

  1. Hello Josefine,
    I just found you at my searches about Rubiguri, Uganda. I will be in Uganda in july and august for travelling and volunteerimg in Rubuguri.
    How did you finde out about that village and how was your stay and your trip there…?
    Greetings from Germany


    1. Hi Marion!
      I’m glad you reached out, and I believe you’ll have an incredible time in Uganda and Rubuguri! What organization will you work for in Rubuguri? and what will you do?

      I first found Rubuguri when I travelled with a tour in Uganda, with G-Adventures. We spent two nights, in Oct 2015, in the village when we visited the mountain gorillas. The guide we had, had about a year or so earlier started an organization called Footsteps Through Africa, and a part of the organization included charity work in the village. in different forms. I was travelling around in Africa at the moment and in February 2016 I came back to help Jo Cooper(the founder of the organization) a few weeks in the village. He was not there since he worked elsewhere, but I had my amazing contacts in the village, Ben and Gordon, helping me out. I taught at a local school, helped with the process of opening a library and being in contact with different people for future initiatives. I’ve written a few posts in English during my stay there, I don’t know if you’ve read them but you’ll find them here (https://josefinestal.com/tag/rubuguri/).


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